Friday, September 12, 2008


Shawn and I got to take a family trip up to Seattle in July. (That's how far behind I am in posting blogs). We hung out with my family and sister who was about to have the first boy in our family. Lord knows my dad has been praying for this day. Here's a family portrait. We have a hard time taking serious photos in our family.

We played Wii for the first time and had a blast.

Elijah Gabriel Stewart was born after my sister spent 26 hours in labor and then had to have a cesarian. Is there any wonder why I don't want to have children any time soon? ouch!! Here are a couple of photos of my beautiful nephew Elijah.

Shawn and I also got to take some random photos of ourselves. We don't have many because we're always to busy taking photos of other people, but I thought these were pretty cool. Now we have some photos.

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